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Changes between release 1.1 and 1.2

Some new routines have been introduced since version 1.1, as listed below.

* New routines in version 1.2
* angdist
* complex_fft
* concatnl
* del_card
* get_card
* getargument
* getenvironment
* input_tod*
* nArguments
* parse_double, parse_init, parse_int, parse_lgt, parse_long, parse_real, parse_string (see parse_xxx)
* query_disc (replaces getdisc_ring)
* query_polygon
* query_strip
* query_triangle
* read_fits_cut4
* real_fft
* scan_directories
* surface_triangle
* vect_prod
* write_bintabh
* write_fits_cut4

* New modules or modules with new name
* the modules extension (C extensions), healpix_fft (FFT operations), paramfile_io (parameter parsing) have been introduced,
* the module wrap_fits has been renamed head_fits to reflect its extended capabilities in manipulating FITS headers.

* The following routines are superseded. They have been moved to the obsolete module.
* ask_inputmap, ask_outputmap, ask_lrange (initially in fitstools module)
* setpar, getpar, anafast_parser, anafast_setpar, anafast_getpar, hotspots_parser, hotspots_setpar, hotspots_getpar, udgrade_parser, udgrade_setpar, udgrade_getpar, smoothing_parser, smoothing_setpar, smoothing_getpar (initially in utilities module).

Eric Hivon 2010-06-18
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