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Returns the surface in steradians of the spherical triangle described by its three vertices

Location in HEALPix directory tree: src/f90/mod/pix_tools.f90


call surface_triangle( v1, v2, v3, surface )


name&dimensionality kind in/out description
v1(3) DP IN cartesian vector pointing at the triangle first vertex.
v2(3) DP IN cartesian vector pointing at the triangle second vertex.
v3(3) DP IN cartesian vector pointing at the triangle third vertex.
surface DP OUT surface of the triangle in steradians.


use healpix_types
use pix_tools, only : surface_triangle
real(DP) :: surface, one = 1.0_dp
call surface_triangle((/1,0,0/)*one, (/0,1,0/)*one, (/0,0,1/)*one, surface)
print*, surface

Returns the surface in steradians of the triangle defined by the octant (x,y,z>0) : 1.5707963267948966


This section lists the routines related to surface_triangle

pix2ang, ang2pix
convert between angle and pixel number.
pix2vec, vec2pix
convert between a cartesian vector and pixel number.
query_disc, query_polygon,
query_strip, query_triangle
render the list of pixels enclosed respectively in a given disc, polygon, latitude strip and triangle

Eric Hivon 2010-06-18
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