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Changes between release 1.2 and 2.0

Some new features have been added
* Most routines dealing with maps and alm (eg, create_alm, map2alm, alm2map, convert_inplace, convert_nest2ring, udgrade_nest, udgrade_ring) or inputting or outputting data (read_*, write_*) now accept both single and double precision arguments.
* The routines map2alm and remove_dipole can now deal with non-symmetric azimuthal cut sky. For backward compatibility, the former calling sequence is still accepted.
* most routines are now parallelized with OpenMP (for shared memory architecture), and some of them are also parallelized with MPI (for distributed memory architecture)

Some new routines have been introduced since version 1.2, as listed below.

* New routines in version 2.0
* add_dipole
* alm2cl
* alm2map_der
* fits2cl (replaces read_asctab)
* nside2ntemplates
* plm_gen
* rand_gauss, rand_init, rand_uni
* same_shape_pixels_nest, same_shape_pixels_ring
* template_pixel_nest, template_pixel_ring
* write_plm (replaces write_dbintab)
* New modules or modules with new name
* misc_utils: fatal_error, assert, assert_present, assert_not_present, assert_alloc, file_present, assert_directory_present, string strupcase strlowcase , upcase, lowcase, wall_clock_time, brag_openmp
* rngmod: rand_gauss, rand_init, rand_uni

* The following routines are superseded.
* read_asctab (replaced by fits2cl)
* write_dbintab (replaced by write_plm)

Eric Hivon 2010-06-18
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