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This routine reads a large binary table (for instance a Time Ordered Data set) from a FITS file. The user can choose to read only a section of the table, starting from an arbitrary position. The data can be read into a single or double precision array.

Location in HEALPix directory tree: src/f90/mod/fitstools.f90


call input_tod*( filename, tod, npix, ntods [, header, firstpix, fmissval] )


name & dimensionality kind in/out description
filename (LEN = filenamelen) CHR IN FITS file to be read from
tod(0:npix-1,1:ntods) SP/ DP OUT array constructed from the data present in the file (from the sample firstpix to firstpix + npix - 1. Missing pixels or time samples are filled with fmissval.
npix I8B IN number of pixels or samples to be read. See Note below.
ntods I4B IN number of columns to read
header(LEN=80)(1:) (OPTIONAL) CHR OUT FITS extension header
firstpix (OPTIONAL) I8B IN first pixel (or time sample) to read from (0 based). default:0. See Note below.
fmissval (OPTIONAL) SP/ DP IN value to be given to missing pixels, its default value is 0. Should be of the same type as tod.
Note : Indices and number of data elements larger than 231 are only accessible in FITS files on computers with 64 bit enabled compilers and with some specific compilation options of cfitsio (see cfitsio documentation).


This section lists the modules and routines used by input_tod*.

module, containing:
routine for printing FITS error messages.
library for FITS file handling.


This section lists the routines related to input_tod*

executable that reads a HEALPix map and analyses it.
executable that generate full sky HEALPix maps
subroutine to know the size of a FITS file.
subroutine to write large arrays into FITS files
subroutine to write a FITS file from a HEALPix map
subroutine to read a HEALPix map (either full sky of cut sky) from a FITS file

Eric Hivon 2010-06-18
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