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Data exchange with the command line

If ximview is already running, as well as loading data from files, you can transfer data from the IDL command line by simply running Ximview again:

HIDL> ximview, new_image, range

new_image can be any of the input options available on initial startup, but since file I/O is most conveniently done by the Load FITS menu option, this is most useful for on-line data. All the command line options are available, except for those specifying the HEALPix projection which are ignored: the projection always conforms to that for the images already loaded.

You can also extract an image from ximview via

HIDL> my_image = ximget('Temp')


HIDL> Q_pol = ximget(1,/NO_COPY)

The first argument specifies the tab (numerical values start at zero for the leftmost tab).

The /NO_COPY option removes the data from Ximview (deleting the tab in the process) to save memory.

It is therefore possible to load images into Ximview, examine them, extract them to the command line and perform further processing (eg take the difference, extract a dipole, etc), and re-display the result without the overheads of file I/O and conversion from pixel list to grid.

NB: bad and off-sky pixels are returned with value NaN.

J. P. Leahy
Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, and
Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste
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