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This routine covers and extends the functionalities of map2alm: it analyzes a (polarised) HEALPix RING ordered map and returns its alm coefficients for temperature (and polarisation) up to a specified multipole, and use precomputed harmonics if those are provided, but it also can also perform an iterative (Jacobi) determination of the alm, and apply a pixel mask if one is provided.

Location in HEALPix directory tree: src/f90/mod/alm_tools.f90


call map2alm_iterative*( nsmax, nlmax, nmmax, iter_order, map_TQU, alm_TGC [, zbounds, w8ring_TQU , plm, mask] )


name & dimensionality kind in/out description
nsmax I4B IN the Nside value of the map to analyse.
nlmax I4B IN the maximum l value for the analysis.
nmmax I4B IN the maximum m value for the analysis.
iter_order I4B IN the order of Jacobi iteration. Increasing that order improves the accuracy of the final alm but increases the computation time $
T_{\rm CPU} \propto 1 + 2 \times $iter_order. iter_order =0 is a straight analysis, while iter_order =3 is usually a good compromise.
map_TQU(0:12*nsmax**2-1, 1:p) SP/ DP INOUT input map. p is 1 or 3 depending if temperature (T) only or temperature and polarisation (T, Q, U) are to be analysed. It will be altered on output if a mask is provided.

alm_TGC(1:p, 0:nlmax, 0:nmmax) SPC/ DPC OUT The alm values output from the analysis. p is 1 or 3 depending on whether polarisation is included or not. In the former case, the first index is (1,2,3) corresponding to (T,E,B).
zbounds(1:2), OPTIONAL DP IN section of the map on which to perform the alm analysis, expressed in terms of $z=\sin({\rm latitude}) =
\cos(\theta).$ If zbounds(1)<zbounds(2), the analysis is performed on the strip zbounds(1)<z<zbounds(2); if not, it is performed outside of the strip zbounds(2)<z<zbounds(1). If absent, the whole map is analyzed
w8ring_TQU(1:2*nsmax,1:p), OPTIONAL DP IN ring weights for quadrature corrections. p is 1 for a temperature analysis and 3 for (T,Q,U). If absent, the ring weights are all set to 1.
plm(0:,1:p), OPTIONAL DP IN If this optional matrix is passed, precomputed scalar (and tensor) $P_{lm}(\theta)$ are used instead of recursion.
mask(0:12*nsmax**2-1,1:q), OPTIONAL SP/ DP IN pixel mask, assumed to have the same resolution (and RING ordering) as the map. The map map_TQU is multiplied by that mask before being analyzed, and will therefore be altered on output. q should be in {1,2,3}. If p=q=3, then each of the 3 masks is applied to the respective map. If p=3 and q=2, the first mask is applied to the first map, and the second mask to the second (Q) and third (U) map. If p=3 and q=1, the same mask is applied to the 3 maps. Note: the output alm are computed directly on the masked map, and are not corrected for the loss of power, correlation or leakage created by the mask.


use healpix_types
use alm_tools
use pix_tools
integer(i4b) :: nside, lmax, npix, iter
real(sp), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: map
real(sp), allocatable, dimension(:) :: mask
complex(spc), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: alm

nside = 256
lmax = 512
iter = 2
npix = nside2npix(nside)
mask(0:) = 0. ! set unvalid pixels to 0
mask(0:10000-1) = 1. ! valid pixels
allocate(alm(1:3, 0:lmax, 0:lmax)
call map2alm_iterative(nside, lmax, lmax, iter, map, alm, mask=mask)

Analyses temperature and polarisation signals in the first 10000 pixels of map (as determined by mask). The map has an Nside of 256, and the analysis is supposed to be performed up to 512 in l and m. The resulting alm coefficients for temperature and polarisation are returned in alm. Uniform weights are assumed. In order to improve the allm accuracy, 2 Jacobi iterations are performed.


This section lists the modules and routines used by map2alm_iterative*.

Performs FFT for the ring analysis.
Perform the alm analysis
module, containing:
routine to print error message when an array is not properly allocated


This section lists the routines related to map2alm_iterative*

executable using map2alm_iterative* to analyse maps.
routine performing the inverse transform of map2alm_iterative*.
synthesize spin weighted maps.
analyze spin weighted maps.

Eric Hivon 2010-06-18
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