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Uses of Class

Packages that use SpatialVector
healpix.core This package contains the Healpix core classes. 
healpix.plot3d.progs.testing This package contains several tools for use within the HEALPix code. 

Uses of SpatialVector in healpix.core

Methods in healpix.core that return SpatialVector
 SpatialVector HealpixIndex.Ang2Vec(double theta, double phi)
          calculates vector corresponding to angles theta (co-latitude measured from North pole, in [0,pi] radians) phi (longitude measured eastward in [0,2pi] radians) North pole is (x,y,z) = (0, 0, 1)
 SpatialVector[] HealpixIndex.corners_nest(int pix, int step)
          Returns set of points along the boundary of the given pixel in NEST scheme.
 SpatialVector[] HealpixIndex.corners_ring(long pix, int step)
          Returns set of points along the boundary of the given pixel in RING scheme.
 SpatialVector HealpixIndex.crossProduct(SpatialVector v1, SpatialVector v2)
          calculate cross product of two vectors
 SpatialVector HealpixIndex.pix2vec_nest(long pix)
          Converts pix number in NEST scheme to the unit vector
 SpatialVector HealpixIndex.pix2vec_ring(long pix)
          Converts pix number in RING scheme to the unit vector
 SpatialVector HealpixIndex.vector(double theta, double phi)
          Construct a SpatialVector from the angle (theta,phi)

Methods in healpix.core with parameters of type SpatialVector
static double HealpixIndex.angDist(SpatialVector v1, SpatialVector v2)
          calculates angular distance (in radians) between 2 Vectors v1 and v2 In general dist = acos(v1.v2) except if the vectors are almost aligned
 SpatialVector HealpixIndex.crossProduct(SpatialVector v1, SpatialVector v2)
          calculate cross product of two vectors
 double HealpixIndex.dotProduct(SpatialVector v1, SpatialVector v2)
          calculates a dot product (inner product) of two 3D vectors the result is double
 int[] Healpix.query_disc(int nside, SpatialVector vector0, double radius, boolean nest, boolean inclusive)
          query_disc (Nside, Vector0, Radius, Listpix, Nlist[, Nest, Inclusive]).
 LongRangeSet HealpixIndex.query_disc(int nside, SpatialVector vector, double radius, int nest, int inclusive)
          generates in the RING or NESTED scheme all pixels that lies within an angular distance Radius of the center.
 LongRangeSet HealpixIndex.query_triangle(int nside, SpatialVector v1, SpatialVector v2, SpatialVector v3, long nest, long inclusive)
          generates a list of pixels that lie inside a triangle defined by the three vertex vectors
static double HealpixIndex.surfaceTriangle(SpatialVector v1, SpatialVector v2, SpatialVector v3)
          calculates the surface of spherical triangle defined by vertices v1,v2,v3 Algorithm: finds triangle sides and uses l'Huilier formula to compute "spherical excess" = surface area of triangle on a sphere of radius one see, eg Bronshtein, Semendyayev Eq 2.86 half perimeter hp = 0.5*(side1+side2+side3) l'Huilier formula x0 = tan( hp/2.) x1 = tan((hp - side1)/2.) x2 = tan((hp - side2)/2.) x3 = tan((hp - side3)/2.)
 long HealpixIndex.vec2pix_nest(SpatialVector vec)
          Converts the unit vector to pix number in NEST scheme
 long HealpixIndex.vec2pix_ring(SpatialVector vec)
          Converts the unit vector to pix number in RING scheme
 double[] HealpixIndex.Vect2Ang(SpatialVector v)
          converts a SpatialVector in a tuple of angles tup[0] = theta co-latitude measured from North pole, in [0,PI] radians, tup[1] = phi longitude measured eastward, in [0,2PI] radians

Uses of SpatialVector in healpix.plot3d.progs.testing

Methods in healpix.plot3d.progs.testing with parameters of type SpatialVector
static void TestingQueryPolygon.addVec(int nside, SpatialVector vec, HealpixMap map, double v)
static void TestingQueryPolygon.addVec(SpatialVector vec, HealpixMap map, double v)
          Adds the vec.

Uses of SpatialVector in

Methods in that return SpatialVector
 SpatialVector SpatialVector.add(SpatialVector v)
          vector addition
 SpatialVector SpatialVector.cross(SpatialVector v)
          vector cross product
 SpatialVector SpatialVector.mul(double n)
          multiply with a number
 SpatialVector SpatialVector.sub(SpatialVector v)
          vector subtraction

Methods in with parameters of type SpatialVector
 SpatialVector SpatialVector.add(SpatialVector v)
          vector addition
 double SpatialVector.angle(SpatialVector v1)
          Returns the angle in radians between this vector and the vector parameter; the return value is constrained to the range [0,PI].
 SpatialVector SpatialVector.cross(SpatialVector v)
          vector cross product
 double v1)
          Computes the dot product of the this vector and vector v1.
 boolean SpatialVector.equal(SpatialVector v)
          Compare vectors if coordinates are equals
 SpatialVector SpatialVector.sub(SpatialVector v)
          vector subtraction

Constructors in with parameters of type SpatialVector
SpatialVector(SpatialVector copy)
          Copy constructor - be aware this only copies x,y,z

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