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Uses of Class

Packages that use AngularPosition
healpix.core This package contains the Healpix core classes. This package contains the Healpix data model and implementation. 
healpix.plot3d.gui.healpix3d This package contains the java3d classes to plot a healpix map on a 3D sphere to interact with. This package contains several tools for use within the HEALPix code. 

Uses of AngularPosition in healpix.core

Methods in healpix.core that return AngularPosition
static AngularPosition Healpix.pix2ang_nest(int nside, int ipix)
          Convert from pix number to angle renders theta and phi coordinates of the nominal pixel center for the pixel number ipix (NESTED scheme) given the map resolution parameter nside
static AngularPosition Healpix.pix2ang_ring(int nside, int ipix)
          Convert from pix number to angle renders theta and phi coordinates of the nominal pixel center for the pixel number ipix (RING scheme) given the map resolution parameter nside *

Uses of AngularPosition in

Methods in that return AngularPosition
 AngularPosition HealpixMapImp.pix2ang(long ipix)
 AngularPosition HealpixMap.pix2ang(long ipix)
          Returns the angular position AngularPosition pointing at that pixel index in the healpix sphere tesslated

Methods in with parameters of type AngularPosition
 void HealpixMapImp.add(AngularPosition pos, double val)
 void HealpixMap.add(AngularPosition pos, double val)
          Add a value to a HEALPix cell in the default map.
 void HealpixMapImp.add(int i, AngularPosition pos, double val)
 void HealpixMap.add(int i, AngularPosition pos, double val)
          Add a value to a HEALPix cell in a map
 int HealpixMapImp.ang2pix(AngularPosition pos)
          Get the map ith pixel from an AngularPosition position
 double HealpixMapImp.get(AngularPosition pos)
 double HealpixMap.get(AngularPosition pos)
          Return the value of an HEALPix cell in the default map.
 int HealpixMapImp.getPosCount(int i, AngularPosition pos)
          Get the accumulated added value to a pixel

Uses of AngularPosition in healpix.plot3d.gui.healpix3d

Methods in healpix.plot3d.gui.healpix3d that return AngularPosition
 AngularPosition QuadArrayExt.getAngle()
          Gets the angle.
 AngularPosition QuadArrayExt.getAngle(int ind)
          Gets the angle.

Methods in healpix.plot3d.gui.healpix3d with parameters of type AngularPosition
 void QuadArrayExt.setAngle(AngularPosition ang)
          Sets the angle.
 void QuadArrayExt.setAngle(int ind, AngularPosition ang)
          Sets the angle.

Uses of AngularPosition in

Methods in that return AngularPosition
static AngularPosition CoordTransform.transform(AngularPosition pos, int trType)
          Transforms an angular position in radians in a given coordinate system to a position in an other coordinate system, also in radians.
static AngularPosition CoordTransform.transformInDeg(AngularPosition pos, int trType)
          Transforms an angular position in degrees in a given coordinate system to a position in an other coordinate systems, also in degrees.

Methods in with parameters of type AngularPosition
static AngularPosition CoordTransform.transform(AngularPosition pos, int trType)
          Transforms an angular position in radians in a given coordinate system to a position in an other coordinate system, also in radians.
static AngularPosition CoordTransform.transformInDeg(AngularPosition pos, int trType)
          Transforms an angular position in degrees in a given coordinate system to a position in an other coordinate systems, also in degrees.

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