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Packages that use LongRangeSet
healpix.core This package contains the Healpix core classes. 

Uses of LongRangeSet in healpix.core

Methods in healpix.core that return LongRangeSet
 LongRangeSet HealpixIndex.InRing_nested_longset(int nside, long iz, double phi0, double dphi)
          returns the list of pixels in NEST scheme with latitude in [phi0 - dpi, phi0 + dphi] on the ring iz in [1, 4*nside -1 ] The pixel id numbers are in [0, 12*nside^2 - 1] the indexing is in RING, unless nest is set to 1
 LongRangeSet HealpixIndex.InRingLongSet(long nside, long iz, double phi0, double dphi)
          returns the list of pixels in RING scheme with latitude in [phi0 - dpi, phi0 + dphi] on the ring iz in [1, 4*nside -1 ] The pixel id numbers are in [0, 12*nside^2 - 1] the indexing is in RING, unless nest is set to 1 NOTE: this is the f90 code 'in_ring' method ported to java with 'conservative' flag to false
 LongRangeSet HealpixIndex.query_disc(int nside, SpatialVector vector, double radius, int nest, int inclusive)
          generates in the RING or NESTED scheme all pixels that lies within an angular distance Radius of the center.
 LongRangeSet HealpixIndex.query_polygon(int nside, ArrayList<Object> vlist, long nest, long inclusive)
          finds pixels that lie within a CONVEX polygon defined by its vertex on sphere
 LongRangeSet HealpixIndex.query_strip(int nside, double theta1, double theta2, long nest)
          finds pixels having a colatitude (measured from North pole) : theta1 < colatitude < theta2 with o < theta1 < theta2 < pi if theta2 < theta1 then pixels with 0 < colatitude < theta2 or theta1 < colatitude < pi are returned
 LongRangeSet HealpixIndex.query_triangle(int nside, SpatialVector v1, SpatialVector v2, SpatialVector v3, long nest, long inclusive)
          generates a list of pixels that lie inside a triangle defined by the three vertex vectors

Uses of LongRangeSet in healpix.core.base.set

Fields in healpix.core.base.set declared as LongRangeSet
static LongRangeSet LongRangeSetBuilder.EMPTY
          empty LongRangeSet

Methods in healpix.core.base.set that return LongRangeSet
          Construct new LongRangeSet from appended values *
 LongRangeSet LongRangeSet.complement()
          Create new LongRangeSet with complement (inversion) of values in this set.
 LongRangeSet LongRangeSet.intersect(LongRangeSet rs)
          Construct new LongRangeSet with intersection of values from original set and parameter set.
 LongRangeSet LongRangeSet.substract(LongRangeSet rs)
          Construct new LongRangeSet with values which are in original set, but not in parameter.
 LongRangeSet LongSet.toLongRangeSet()
 LongRangeSet LongRangeSet.union(LongRangeSet rs)
          Create new LongRangeSet which contains union of values from original set and parameter This operation is FAST.

Methods in healpix.core.base.set with parameters of type LongRangeSet
 void LongCollection.addAll(LongRangeSet set)
 void LongRangeSetBuilder.appendRangeSet(LongRangeSet set)
          append all ranges from given LongRangeSet
 LongRangeSet LongRangeSet.intersect(LongRangeSet rs)
          Construct new LongRangeSet with intersection of values from original set and parameter set.
 LongRangeSet LongRangeSet.substract(LongRangeSet rs)
          Construct new LongRangeSet with values which are in original set, but not in parameter.
 LongRangeSet LongRangeSet.union(LongRangeSet rs)
          Create new LongRangeSet which contains union of values from original set and parameter This operation is FAST.

Constructors in healpix.core.base.set with parameters of type LongRangeSet
LongList(LongRangeSet longRangeSet)

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