The HEALPix Software PackageWe have developed a package of HEALPix based mathematical software, consisting of Fortran90 and IDL source codes as well as documentation and examples. Successful installation produces a set of facilities using standardised FITS I/O interfaces (http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/software/fitsio) as well as two Fortran90 libraries which users can link to their own applications. Among the tasks performed by the components of the HEALPix package are the following:
The package includes documents which describe the installation process, the Fortran 90 facilities, the IDL facilities and a large number of subroutines contained in the library. It is available to the scientific community at http://healpix.jpl.nasa.gov. HEALPix is the format chosen by the WMAP collaboration to be used for the production of sky maps (see http://map.gsfc.nasa.gov/html/technical_info.html) from the mission data. HEALPix software is widely used for simulation work within both the LFI and HFI consortia of the Planck collaboration (see http://astro.estec.esa.nl/Planck/). It is also being used to analyse the data provided by the balloon CMB missions Boomerang (see http://cmb.PHYS.cwru.edu/boomerang/ or http://oberon.roma1.infn.it/boomerang/) and Archeops ( http://archeops01.free.fr/main_archeops/index_english.html). Eric Hivon 2010-06-18 |