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This IDL facility changes the coordinate convention in FITS file containing a polarised sky map. The main effect is to change the sign of the U Stokes parameter, and add/update the POLCCONV FITS header with either COSMO or IAU value.

Location in HEALPix directory tree: src/idl/fits/


IDL> CHANGE_POLCCONV , File_In, File_Out [, /I2C, /C2I, /C2C, /I2I, /FORCE]


name of a FITS file to be read

name of a FITS file to be written, after modification of the polarisation coordinate convention, if applicable


changes from IAU to COSMO coordinate convention
-if POLCCONV is not found or found with value 'IAU', it is added/replaced with value 'COSMO', and the sign of the U stokes parameter map is changed
-if POLCCONV already has value 'COSMO', File_In is copied unchanged into File_Out

changes from COSMO to IAU coordinate convention
-if POLCCONV is not found or found with value 'COSMO', it is added/replaced with value 'IAU', and the sign of the U stokes parameter map is changed
-if POLCCONV already has value 'IAU', File_In is copied unchanged into File_Out

does NOT change coordinate system
-if POLCCONV is found with value 'IAU', program will issue error message and no file is written
-in all other case POLCCONV is set/added with value 'COSMO', but data is NOT changed

does NOT change coordinate system
-if POLCCONV is found with value 'COSMO', program will issue error message and no file is written
-in all other case POLCCONV is set/added with value 'IAU', but data is NOT changed

if set, the value of POLCCONV read from the FITS header is ignored. The sign of U is swapped (if used with /C2I or /I2C), and the FITS keyword is updated accordingly.


This routine will change the sign of the U Stokes parameters (and related quantities, such as the TU and QU cross-correlations) and update the 'POLCCONV' FITS keyword where applicable. The recognised format are:
- standard Healpix full sky polarised format
- cut sky Healpix polarised format
- WMAP 2nd year polarised format


This section lists the routines related to change_polcconv

version 6.1 or more is necessary to run change_polcconv
This HEALPix IDL facility can be used to write a (polarised or unpolarised) cut sky map into a FITS file.
This HEALPix IDL facility can be used to read a (polarised or unpolarised) cut sky map from a FITS file.
This HEALPix IDL facility can be used to write a polarised full sky map (with either the standard Healpix format or the WMAP 2nd year format) into a FITS file
This HEALPix IDL facility can be used to read a polarised cut sky map from a FITS file


change_polcconv, 'map_cosmo.fits','map_iau.fits',/c2i

Modify the file 'map_cosmo.fits', which was using the 'COSMO' convention for polarisation coordinate convention into 'map_iau.fits' which uses the 'IAU' convention

Eric Hivon 2010-06-18
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