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Features and known bugs

Ximview and associated routines use IDL language features introduced in version 6.0, and should run under any later version.

When the cursor is positioned outside the image, the position reported is the nearest pixel on the edge of the image.

When response is slow, especially when the view window nearly fills your computer screen, Ximview may not finish updating the view before returning, leaving assorted square panels in the display either not filled in, or filled with data from a previous zoom/pan state. These will be progressively filled in with correct data when you pan the view a bit more and/or automatically over the next few seconds.

The Astrolib astrometry routines do not yet recognise butterfly (i.e. NPOLE or SPOLE) projections, so astrometry is turned off for IMSTATS and MAXFIT in this case.

The astrometry routines may give a pixel coordinate offset by 360° in longitude (hence off the image) from the correct position.

Under windows, the cursor does not correctly change to the "dragging hand" when panning.

Occasionally Ximview launches an unwanted graphics window. I have tried to suppress this (again) but the bug is so rare it is hard to tell if the fix worked. Please let me know if this happens to you.

If Ximview crashes without properly exiting, I recommend the following:

HIDL> gscroll_tidy  ; Deletes invisible (PIXMAP) windows.
HIDL> heap_gc ; Deletes any orphaned heap variables.

J. P. Leahy
Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics and
Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste
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