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This routine reads the `NSIDE', `TFIELDS' , `MAX-LPOL', and optionally `MAX-MPOL' keywords from a FITS-file. These keywords desribe Nside, number of datasets (maps) and maximum multipole l (order) and m (degree) value for the file. If a keyword is not found in the FITS file, a value of -1 is returned instead. The file could eg. be a HEALPix map, or a set of alm or precomputed $P_{lm}(\theta)$

Location in HEALPix directory tree: src/f90/mod/fitstools.f90


call read_par( filename, nside, lmax, tfields [, mmax] )


name & dimensionality kind in/out description
filename(LEN=filenamelen) CHR IN filename of the FITS file.
nside I4B OUT `NSIDE' keyword value from the FITS header.
lmax I4B OUT `MAX-LPOL' keyword value from the FITS header.
tfields I4B OUT `TFIELDS' keyword value from the FITS header.
mmax (OPTIONAL) I4B OUT `MAX-MPOL' keyword value from the FITS header.


call read_par('plm_128p.fits', nside, lmax, nhar)

Checks the Nside and maximum l value used for the precomputed $P_{lm}(\theta)$ that are stored in the file `plm_128p.fits'. If the file also contains tensor harmonics, nhar is returned with the value 3, otherwise it is 1.


This section lists the modules and routines used by read_par.

module, containing:
routine for printing FITS error messages.
library for FITS file handling.


This section lists the routines related to read_par

synfast, plmgen
executables that produce FITS-files with keywords relevant to this routine.

Eric Hivon 2010-06-18
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