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This routine reads a HEALPix map from a binary FITS-file. The routine can read a temperature map or both temperature and polarisation maps (T,Q,U)

Location in HEALPix directory tree: src/f90/mod/fitstools.f90


call read_bintab*( filename, map, npixtot, nmaps, nullval, anynull [,header, units, extno] )


name &d imensionality kind in/out description
filename(LEN=filenamelen) CHR IN filename of FITS-file containing the map(s).
npixtot I4B IN Number of pixels to be read from map.
nmap I4B IN number of maps to be read, 1 for temperature only, and 3 for (T,Q,U).
map(0:npixtot-1,1:nmap) SP/ DP OUT the map read from the FITS-file.
nullval SP/ DP OUT value of missing pixels in the map.
anynull LGT OUT TRUE, if there are missing pixels, and FALSE otherwise.
header(LEN=80)(1:) (OPTIONAL) CHR OUT character string array containing the FITS header read from the file. Its dimension has to be defined prior to calling the routine
units(LEN=*)(1:nmaps) (OPTIONAL) CHR OUT character string array containing the physical units of each map read
extno (OPTIONAL) I4B IN extension number to read the data from (0 based).default:0 (the first extension is read)


call read_bintab ('map.fits',map,12*32**2,1,nullval,anynull)

Reads a HEALPix temperature map from the file `map.fits' to the array map(0:12*32**2-1,1:1). The pixel number 12*32**2 is the number of pixels in a ${N_{\rm side}}=32$ HEALPix map. If there are missing pixels in the file, anynull is TRUE and these pixels get the value returned in nullval.


This section lists the modules and routines used by read_bintab*.

module, containing:
routine for printing FITS error messages.
library for FITS file handling.


This section lists the routines related to read_bintab*

Routine which reads a map using read_bintab*and fills missing pixels with a given value.
Routine which analyse a map and returns the alm coefficients.
Routine to read cut sky HEALPix FITS maps
write_plm, write_bintab
Routines to write HEALPix FITS maps

Eric Hivon 2010-06-18
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