00035 #include <iostream>
00036 #include <string>
00037 #include <sstream>
00038 #include <vector>
00039 #include <map>
00040 #include <cstdlib>
00041 #include <cctype>
00042 #include <cstring>
00043 #include "fitsio.h"
00044 #include "fitshandle.h"
00045 #include "cxxutils.h"
00047 using namespace std;
00049 namespace {
00051 string ftc2char (int type)
00052 {
00053 switch (type)
00054 {
00055 case TLOGICAL : return "L";
00056 case TFLOAT : return "E";
00057 case TDOUBLE : return "D";
00058 case TBYTE : return "B";
00059 case TSHORT : return "I";
00060 case TINT32BIT: return "J";
00061 case TLONGLONG: return "K";
00062 case TSTRING : return "A";
00063 default: throw Message_error("wrong datatype in ftc2char()");
00064 }
00065 }
00067 string ftc2asciiform (int type)
00068 {
00069 switch (type)
00070 {
00071 case TFLOAT: return "E14.7";
00072 case TDOUBLE: return "D23.15";
00073 case TBYTE: return "I4";
00074 case TSHORT: return "I6";
00075 case TINT32BIT: return "I11";
00076 case TLONGLONG: return "I22";
00077 default: throw Message_error("wrong datatype in ftc2asciiform()");
00078 }
00079 }
00081 string fixkey (const string &key)
00082 {
00083 for (unsigned int m=0; m<key.size(); ++m)
00084 if (islower(key[m])) return string("HIERARCH "+key);
00086 return key;
00087 }
00088 }
00090 void fitshandle::check_errors() const
00091 {
00092 if (status==0) return;
00093 char msg[81];
00094 fits_get_errstatus (status, msg);
00095 cerr << msg << endl;
00096 while (fits_read_errmsg(msg)) cerr << msg << endl;
00097 throw Message_error("FITS error");
00098 }
00100 void fitshandle::clean_data()
00101 {
00102 if (!fptr) return;
00103 axes_.clear();
00104 columns_.clear();
00105 hdutype_=INVALID;
00106 bitpix_=INVALID;
00107 nrows_=0;
00108 }
00110 void fitshandle::clean_all()
00111 {
00112 if (!fptr) return;
00113 clean_data();
00114 fits_close_file (fptr, &status);
00115 check_errors();
00116 fptr=0;
00117 }
00119 void fitshandle::init_image()
00120 {
00121 int naxis;
00122 fits_get_img_type (fptr, &bitpix_, &status);
00123 fits_get_img_dim (fptr, &naxis, &status);
00124 check_errors();
00125 arr<LONGLONG> naxes(naxis);
00126 fits_get_img_sizell (fptr, naxis, &naxes[0], &status);
00127 for (long m=0; m<naxis; ++m) axes_.push_back(naxes[naxis-m-1]);
00128 check_errors();
00129 }
00131 void fitshandle::init_asciitab()
00132 {
00133 char ttype[81], tunit[81], tform[81];
00134 int ncol, typecode;
00135 fits_get_num_cols (fptr, &ncol, &status);
00136 { LONGLONG tmp; fits_get_num_rowsll (fptr, &tmp, &status); nrows_=tmp; }
00137 check_errors();
00138 for (int m=1; m<=ncol; ++m)
00139 {
00140 fits_get_acolparms (fptr, m, ttype, 0, tunit, tform,
00141 0, 0, 0, 0, &status);
00142 fits_ascii_tform (tform, &typecode, 0,0, &status);
00143 check_errors();
00144 columns_.push_back (fitscolumn (ttype,tunit,1,typecode));
00145 }
00146 }
00148 void fitshandle::init_bintab()
00149 {
00150 char ttype[81], tunit[81], tform[81];
00151 LONGLONG repc;
00152 int ncol, typecode;
00153 fits_get_num_cols (fptr, &ncol, &status);
00154 { LONGLONG tmp; fits_get_num_rowsll (fptr, &tmp, &status); nrows_=tmp; }
00155 check_errors();
00156 for (int m=1; m<=ncol; ++m)
00157 {
00158 fits_get_bcolparmsll (fptr, m, ttype, tunit, tform, &repc,
00159 0, 0, 0, 0, &status);
00160 fits_binary_tform (tform, &typecode, 0,0, &status);
00161 check_errors();
00162 columns_.push_back (fitscolumn (ttype,tunit,repc,typecode));
00163 }
00164 }
00166 void fitshandle::init_data()
00167 {
00168 clean_data();
00169 fits_get_hdu_type (fptr, &hdutype_, &status);
00170 check_errors();
00171 switch(hdutype_)
00172 {
00173 case IMAGE_HDU:
00174 init_image();
00175 break;
00176 case ASCII_TBL:
00177 init_asciitab();
00178 break;
00179 case BINARY_TBL:
00180 init_bintab();
00181 break;
00182 default:
00183 throw Message_error("init_data(): wrong HDU type");
00184 break;
00185 }
00186 }
00188 void fitshandle::read_col (int colnum, void *data, int64 ndata, int dtype,
00189 int64 offset) const
00190 {
00191 assert_table_hdu("fitshandle::read_column()",colnum);
00192 int64 repc = columns_[colnum-1].repcount();
00193 planck_assert (ndata<=(repc*nrows_-offset),
00194 "read_column(): array too large");
00195 int64 frow = offset/repc+1;
00196 int64 felem = offset%repc+1;
00197 fits_read_col (fptr, dtype, colnum, frow, felem, ndata, 0, data, 0, &status);
00198 check_errors();
00199 }
00200 void fitshandle::write_col (int colnum, const void *data, int64 ndata,
00201 int dtype, int64 offset)
00202 {
00203 assert_table_hdu("fitshandle::write_column()",colnum);
00204 int64 repc = columns_[colnum-1].repcount();
00205 int64 frow = offset/repc+1;
00206 int64 felem = offset%repc+1;
00207 fits_write_col (fptr, dtype, colnum, frow, felem, ndata,
00208 const_cast<void *>(data), &status);
00209 nrows_ = max(nrows_,offset+ndata);
00210 check_errors();
00211 }
00213 void fitshandle::open (const string &fname, int rwmode)
00214 {
00215 clean_all();
00216 fits_open_file(&fptr, fname.c_str(), rwmode, &status);
00217 check_errors();
00218 init_data();
00219 }
00221 void fitshandle::create (const string &fname)
00222 {
00223 clean_all();
00224 fits_create_file(&fptr, fname.c_str(), &status);
00225 fits_write_imghdr(fptr, 8, 0, 0, &status);
00226 fits_write_date(fptr, &status);
00227 check_errors();
00228 init_data();
00229 }
00232 void fitshandle::delete_file (const string &name)
00233 {
00234 fitsfile *ptr;
00235 int status = 0;
00236 fits_open_file(&ptr, name.c_str(), READWRITE, &status);
00237 fits_delete_file(ptr, &status);
00238 if (status==0) return;
00240 char msg[81];
00241 fits_get_errstatus (status, msg);
00242 cerr << msg << endl;
00243 while (fits_read_errmsg(msg)) cerr << msg << endl;
00244 throw Message_error("FITS error");
00245 }
00247 void fitshandle::goto_hdu (int hdu)
00248 {
00249 int curhdu;
00250 fits_get_hdu_num(fptr,&curhdu);
00251 if (curhdu!=hdu)
00252 {
00253 fits_movabs_hdu(fptr, hdu, &hdutype_, &status);
00254 check_errors();
00255 init_data();
00256 }
00257 }
00259 int fitshandle::num_hdus () const
00260 {
00261 int result;
00262 fits_get_num_hdus (fptr, &result, &status);
00263 check_errors();
00264 return result;
00265 }
00267 void fitshandle::insert_bintab (const vector<fitscolumn> &cols,
00268 const string &extname)
00269 {
00270 clean_data();
00271 int ncol=cols.size();
00272 arr2b<char> ttype(ncol,81), tform(ncol,81), tunit(ncol,81);
00274 for (long m=0; m<ncol; ++m)
00275 {
00276 strcpy (ttype[m], cols[m].name().c_str());
00277 strcpy (tunit[m], cols[m].unit().c_str());
00278 ostringstream x;
00279 x << cols[m].repcount() << ftc2char (cols[m].type());
00280 strcpy (tform[m], x.str().c_str());
00281 }
00282 fits_insert_btbl (fptr, nrows_, ncol, ttype.p0(), tform.p0(), tunit.p0(),
00283 const_cast<char *>(extname.c_str()), 0, &status);
00284 check_errors();
00285 init_data();
00286 }
00288 void fitshandle::insert_asctab (const vector<fitscolumn> &cols,
00289 const string &extname)
00290 {
00291 clean_data();
00292 int ncol=cols.size();
00293 arr2b<char> ttype(ncol,81), tform(ncol,81), tunit(ncol,81);
00295 for (long m=0; m<ncol; ++m)
00296 {
00297 strcpy (ttype[m], cols[m].name().c_str());
00298 strcpy (tunit[m], cols[m].unit().c_str());
00299 ostringstream x;
00300 if (cols[m].type()!=TSTRING)
00301 {
00302 planck_assert (cols[m].repcount()==1,"bad repcount for ASCII table");
00303 x << ftc2asciiform (cols[m].type());
00304 }
00305 else
00306 {
00307 x << "A" << dataToString(cols[m].repcount());
00308 }
00309 strcpy (tform[m], x.str().c_str());
00310 }
00311 fits_insert_atbl (fptr, 0, nrows_, ncol, ttype.p0(), 0, tform.p0(),
00312 tunit.p0(), const_cast<char *>(extname.c_str()), &status);
00313 check_errors();
00314 init_data();
00315 }
00317 void fitshandle::insert_image (int btpx, const vector<int64> &Axes)
00318 {
00319 clean_data();
00320 arr<LONGLONG> tmpax(Axes.size());
00321 for (long m=0; m<long(Axes.size()); m++) tmpax[m]=Axes[Axes.size()-1-m];
00322 fits_insert_imgll (fptr, btpx, Axes.size(), &tmpax[0], &status);
00323 check_errors();
00324 init_data();
00325 }
00327 template<typename T>
00328 void fitshandle::insert_image (int btpx, const arr2<T> &data)
00329 {
00330 clean_data();
00331 arr<LONGLONG> tmpax(2);
00332 tmpax[0] = data.size2(); tmpax[1] = data.size1();
00333 fits_insert_imgll (fptr, btpx, 2, &tmpax[0], &status);
00334 arr2<T> &tmparr = const_cast<arr2<T> &> (data);
00335 fits_write_img (fptr, FITSUTIL<T>::DTYPE, 1, tmpax[0]*tmpax[1],
00336 &tmparr[0][0], &status);
00337 check_errors();
00338 init_data();
00339 }
00341 template void fitshandle::insert_image (int btpx, const arr2<double> &data);
00342 template void fitshandle::insert_image (int btpx, const arr2<float> &data);
00343 template void fitshandle::insert_image (int btpx, const arr2<int> &data);
00345 void fitshandle::write_checksum()
00346 {
00347 assert_connected("fitshandle::write_checksum()");
00348 fits_write_chksum (fptr, &status);
00349 check_errors();
00350 }
00352 void fitshandle::copy_historified_header (const fitshandle &orig)
00353 {
00354 const char *inclist[] = { "*" };
00355 const char *exclist[] = {
00360 char card[81];
00361 string card2;
00362 orig.assert_connected("fitshandle::copy_historified_header()");
00363 assert_connected("fitshandle::copy_historified_header()");
00364 fits_read_record (orig.fptr, 0, card, &status);
00365 check_errors();
00366 while (true)
00367 {
00368 fits_find_nextkey (orig.fptr, const_cast<char **>(inclist), 1,
00369 const_cast<char **>(exclist), 23, card, &status);
00370 if (status!=0) break;
00371 card2=trim(card);
00372 if (card2!="END" && card2!="COMMENT" && card2!="HISTORY")
00373 {
00374 if (card2.find("COMMENT")==0)
00375 card2.replace(0,7,"HISTORY");
00376 if (card2.find("HISTORY")!=0)
00377 card2.insert(0,"HISTORY ");
00378 if (card2.length()<=80)
00379 fits_write_record (fptr, card2.c_str(), &status);
00380 else
00381 {
00382 fits_write_record (fptr, card2.substr(0,80).c_str(), &status);
00383 card2=card2.substr(80,string::npos);
00384 card2.insert(0,"HISTORY ");
00385 fits_write_record (fptr, card2.c_str(),&status);
00386 }
00387 }
00388 check_errors();
00389 }
00390 if (status==KEY_NO_EXIST) { fits_clear_errmsg(); status=0; }
00391 check_errors();
00392 }
00394 void fitshandle::copy_header (const fitshandle &orig)
00395 {
00396 const char *inclist[] = { "*" };
00397 const char *exclist[] = {
00402 char card[81];
00403 string card2;
00404 orig.assert_connected("fitshandle::copy_header()");
00405 assert_connected("fitshandle::copy_header()");
00406 fits_read_record (orig.fptr, 0, card, &status);
00407 check_errors();
00408 while (true)
00409 {
00410 fits_find_nextkey (orig.fptr, const_cast<char **>(inclist), 1,
00411 const_cast<char **>(exclist), 23, card, &status);
00412 if (status!=0) break;
00413 card2=trim(card);
00414 if (card2!="END" && card2!="COMMENT" && card2!="HISTORY")
00415 fits_write_record (fptr, card, &status);
00416 check_errors();
00417 }
00418 if (status==KEY_NO_EXIST) { fits_clear_errmsg(); status=0; }
00419 check_errors();
00420 }
00422 void fitshandle::get_all_keys(vector<string> &keys) const
00423 {
00424 keys.clear();
00425 char card[81];
00426 const char *inclist[] = { "*" };
00427 assert_connected("fitshandle::get_all_keys()");
00428 fits_read_record (fptr, 0, card, &status);
00429 check_errors();
00430 while (true)
00431 {
00432 fits_find_nextkey (fptr, const_cast<char **>(inclist), 1,
00433 0, 0, card, &status);
00434 if (status!=0) break;
00435 if (fits_get_keyclass(card)==TYP_USER_KEY)
00436 {
00437 char keyname[80];
00438 int dummy;
00439 fits_get_keyname(card, keyname, &dummy, &status);
00440 check_errors();
00441 keys.push_back(keyname);
00442 }
00443 check_errors();
00444 }
00445 if (status==KEY_NO_EXIST) { fits_clear_errmsg(); status=0; }
00446 check_errors();
00447 }
00449 void fitshandle::check_key_present(const string &name) const
00450 {
00451 char card[81];
00452 fits_read_card(fptr, const_cast<char *>(name.c_str()), card, &status);
00453 if (status==KEY_NO_EXIST)
00454 { fits_clear_errmsg(); status=0; return; }
00455 check_errors();
00458 }
00460 template<typename T> void fitshandle::add_key (const string &name,
00461 const T &value, const string &comment)
00462 {
00463 assert_connected("fitshandle::add_key()");
00464 string name2 = fixkey(name);
00465 check_key_present (name);
00466 fits_write_key (fptr, FITSUTIL<T>::DTYPE, const_cast<char *>(name2.c_str()),
00467 const_cast<T *>(&value), const_cast<char *>(comment.c_str()), &status);
00468 check_errors();
00469 }
00471 template void fitshandle::add_key(const string &name,
00472 const signed char &value, const string &comment);
00473 template void fitshandle::add_key(const string &name,
00474 const short &value, const string &comment);
00475 template void fitshandle::add_key(const string &name,
00476 const int &value, const string &comment);
00477 template void fitshandle::add_key(const string &name,
00478 const long &value, const string &comment);
00479 template void fitshandle::add_key(const string &name,
00480 const long long &value, const string &comment);
00481 template void fitshandle::add_key(const string &name,
00482 const float &value, const string &comment);
00483 template void fitshandle::add_key(const string &name,
00484 const double &value, const string &comment);
00485 template<> void fitshandle::add_key(const string &name,
00486 const bool &value, const string &comment)
00487 {
00488 assert_connected("fitshandle::add_key()");
00489 string name2 = fixkey(name);
00490 check_key_present (name);
00491 int val=value;
00492 fits_write_key (fptr, TLOGICAL, const_cast<char *>(name2.c_str()),
00493 &val, const_cast<char *>(comment.c_str()),
00494 &status);
00495 check_errors();
00496 }
00497 template<> void fitshandle::add_key (const string &name,
00498 const string &value, const string &comment)
00499 {
00500 assert_connected("fitshandle::add_key()");
00501 string name2 = fixkey(name);
00502 check_key_present (name);
00503 fits_write_key_longstr (fptr, const_cast<char *>(name2.c_str()),
00504 const_cast<char *>(value.c_str()), const_cast<char *>(comment.c_str()),
00505 &status);
00506 check_errors();
00507 }
00509 template<typename T> void fitshandle::update_key (const string &name,
00510 const T &value, const string &comment)
00511 {
00512 assert_connected("fitshandle::update_key()");
00513 string name2 = fixkey(name);
00514 fits_update_key (fptr, FITSUTIL<T>::DTYPE, const_cast<char *>(name2.c_str()),
00515 const_cast<T *>(&value), const_cast<char *>(comment.c_str()), &status);
00516 check_errors();
00517 }
00519 template void fitshandle::update_key(const string &name,
00520 const signed char &value, const string &comment);
00521 template void fitshandle::update_key(const string &name,
00522 const short &value, const string &comment);
00523 template void fitshandle::update_key(const string &name,
00524 const int &value, const string &comment);
00525 template void fitshandle::update_key(const string &name,
00526 const long &value, const string &comment);
00527 template void fitshandle::update_key(const string &name,
00528 const long long &value, const string &comment);
00529 template void fitshandle::update_key(const string &name,
00530 const float &value, const string &comment);
00531 template void fitshandle::update_key(const string &name,
00532 const double &value, const string &comment);
00533 template<> void fitshandle::update_key(const string &name,
00534 const bool &value, const string &comment)
00535 {
00536 assert_connected("fitshandle::update_key()");
00537 string name2 = fixkey(name);
00538 int val=value;
00539 fits_update_key (fptr, TLOGICAL, const_cast<char *>(name2.c_str()),
00540 &val, const_cast<char *>(comment.c_str()),
00541 &status);
00542 check_errors();
00543 }
00544 template<> void fitshandle::update_key (const string &name,
00545 const string &value, const string &comment)
00546 {
00547 assert_connected("fitshandle::update_key()");
00548 string name2 = fixkey(name);
00549 fits_update_key_longstr (fptr, const_cast<char *>(name2.c_str()),
00550 const_cast<char *>(value.c_str()), const_cast<char *>(comment.c_str()),
00551 &status);
00552 check_errors();
00553 }
00555 void fitshandle::delete_key (const string &name)
00556 {
00557 assert_connected("fitshandle::delete_key()");
00558 fits_delete_key (fptr, const_cast<char *>(name.c_str()), &status);
00559 check_errors();
00560 }
00562 void fitshandle::add_comment(const string &comment)
00563 {
00564 assert_connected("fitshandle::add_comment()");
00565 fits_write_comment(fptr,const_cast<char *>(comment.c_str()),&status);
00566 check_errors();
00567 }
00569 template<typename T> void fitshandle::get_key
00570 (const string &name, T &value) const
00571 {
00572 assert_connected("fitshandle::get_key()");
00573 fits_read_key (fptr, FITSUTIL<T>::DTYPE, const_cast<char *>(name.c_str()),
00574 &value, 0, &status);
00575 if (status==KEY_NO_EXIST) throw Message_error
00576 ("Fitshandle::get_key(): key "+name+" not found");
00577 check_errors();
00578 }
00579 template void fitshandle::get_key(const string &name,signed char &value) const;
00580 template void fitshandle::get_key(const string &name,short &value) const;
00581 template void fitshandle::get_key(const string &name,int &value) const;
00582 template void fitshandle::get_key(const string &name,long &value) const;
00583 template void fitshandle::get_key(const string &name,long long &value) const;
00584 template void fitshandle::get_key(const string &name,float &value) const;
00585 template void fitshandle::get_key(const string &name,double &value) const;
00586 template<> void fitshandle::get_key(const string &name,bool &value) const
00587 {
00588 assert_connected("fitshandle::get_key()");
00589 int val;
00590 fits_read_key (fptr, TLOGICAL, const_cast<char *>(name.c_str()), &val, 0,
00591 &status);
00592 if (status==KEY_NO_EXIST) throw Message_error
00593 ("Fitshandle::get_key(): key "+name+" not found");
00594 check_errors();
00595 value=val;
00596 }
00597 template<> void fitshandle::get_key (const string &name,string &value) const
00598 {
00599 char *tmp=0;
00600 assert_connected("fitshandle::get_key()");
00601 fits_read_key_longstr (fptr, const_cast<char *>(name.c_str()), &tmp, 0,
00602 &status);
00603 if (status==KEY_NO_EXIST) throw Message_error
00604 ("Fitshandle::get_key(): key "+name+" not found");
00605 check_errors();
00606 value=tmp;
00607 if (tmp) free(tmp);
00608 }
00610 bool fitshandle::key_present(const string &name) const
00611 {
00612 char card[81];
00613 assert_connected("fitshandle::key_present()");
00614 fits_read_card(fptr, const_cast<char *>(name.c_str()), card, &status);
00615 if (status==KEY_NO_EXIST)
00616 { fits_clear_errmsg(); status=0; return false; }
00617 check_errors();
00618 return true;
00619 }
00621 int fitshandle::get_key_type(const string &name) const
00622 {
00623 char card[81],value[81],dtype[10];
00624 assert_connected("fitshandle::get_key_type()");
00625 fits_read_card(fptr, const_cast<char *>(name.c_str()), card, &status);
00626 check_errors();
00627 fits_parse_value(card,value,0,&status);
00628 fits_get_keytype(value,dtype,&status);
00629 check_errors();
00630 switch(dtype[0])
00631 {
00632 case 'C' : return PLANCK_STRING;
00633 case 'L' : return PLANCK_BOOL;
00634 case 'I' : return PLANCK_INT64;
00635 case 'F' : return PLANCK_FLOAT64;
00636 default : throw Message_error ("unknown key type");
00637 }
00638 }
00640 void fitshandle::assert_pdmtype (const string &pdmtype) const
00641 {
00642 string type;
00643 get_key("PDMTYPE",type);
00644 if (pdmtype==type) return;
00645 cerr << "PDMTYPE " << pdmtype << " expected, but found " << type << endl;
00646 }
00648 void fitshandle::read_column_raw_void
00649 (int colnum, void *data, int type, int64 num, int64 offset) const
00650 {
00651 switch (type)
00652 {
00653 case PLANCK_INT8:
00654 read_col (colnum, data, num, TBYTE, offset); break;
00655 case PLANCK_INT16:
00656 read_col (colnum, data, num, TSHORT, offset); break;
00657 case PLANCK_INT32:
00658 read_col (colnum, data, num, TINT, offset); break;
00659 case PLANCK_INT64:
00660 read_col (colnum, data, num, TLONGLONG, offset); break;
00661 case PLANCK_FLOAT32:
00662 read_col (colnum, data, num, TFLOAT, offset); break;
00663 case PLANCK_FLOAT64:
00664 read_col (colnum, data, num, TDOUBLE, offset); break;
00665 case PLANCK_BOOL:
00666 read_col (colnum, data, num, TLOGICAL, offset); break;
00667 case PLANCK_STRING:
00668 {
00669 string *data2 = static_cast<string *> (data);
00670 assert_table_hdu("fitshandle::read_column()",colnum);
00671 planck_assert (num<=(nrows_-offset),
00672 "read_column(): array too large");
00673 arr2b<char> tdata(num, columns_[colnum-1].repcount()+1);
00674 fits_read_col (fptr, TSTRING, colnum, offset+1, 1, num,
00675 0, tdata.p0(), 0, &status);
00676 check_errors();
00677 for (long m=0;m<num;++m) data2[m]=tdata[m];
00678 break;
00679 }
00680 default:
00681 throw Message_error ("unsupported data type in read_column_raw_void()");
00682 }
00683 }
00685 void fitshandle::write_column_raw_void
00686 (int colnum, const void *data, int type, int64 num, int64 offset)
00687 {
00688 switch (type)
00689 {
00690 case PLANCK_INT8:
00691 write_col (colnum, data, num, TBYTE, offset); break;
00692 case PLANCK_INT16:
00693 write_col (colnum, data, num, TSHORT, offset); break;
00694 case PLANCK_INT32:
00695 write_col (colnum, data, num, TINT, offset); break;
00696 case PLANCK_INT64:
00697 write_col (colnum, data, num, TLONGLONG, offset); break;
00698 case PLANCK_FLOAT32:
00699 write_col (colnum, data, num, TFLOAT, offset); break;
00700 case PLANCK_FLOAT64:
00701 write_col (colnum, data, num, TDOUBLE, offset); break;
00702 case PLANCK_BOOL:
00703 write_col (colnum, data, num, TLOGICAL, offset); break;
00704 case PLANCK_STRING:
00705 {
00706 const string *data2 = static_cast<const string *> (data);
00707 assert_table_hdu("fitshandle::write_column()",colnum);
00708 int stringlen = columns_[colnum-1].repcount()+1;
00709 arr2b<char> tdata(num, stringlen);
00710 for (long m=0;m<num;++m)
00711 {
00712 strncpy(tdata[m],data2[m].c_str(),stringlen-1);
00713 tdata[m][stringlen-1] = '\0';
00714 }
00715 fits_write_col (fptr, TSTRING, colnum, offset+1, 1, num,
00716 tdata.p0(), &status);
00717 nrows_ = max(nrows_,offset+num);
00718 check_errors();
00719 break;
00720 }
00721 default:
00722 throw Message_error ("unsupported data type in write_column_raw_void()");
00723 }
00724 }
00726 template<typename T> void fitshandle::write_image (const arr2<T> &data)
00727 {
00728 assert_image_hdu("fitshandle::write_image()");
00729 planck_assert (axes_.size()==2, "wrong number of dimensions");
00730 planck_assert (axes_[0]==data.size1(), "wrong size of dimension 1");
00731 planck_assert (axes_[1]==data.size2(), "wrong size of dimension 2");
00733 fits_write_img (fptr, FITSUTIL<T>::DTYPE, 1, axes_[0]*axes_[1],
00734 const_cast<T *>(&data[0][0]), &status);
00735 check_errors();
00736 }
00738 template void fitshandle::write_image (const arr2<float> &data);
00739 template void fitshandle::write_image (const arr2<double> &data);
00740 template void fitshandle::write_image (const arr2<int> &data);
00742 template<typename T> void fitshandle::write_subimage
00743 (const arr<T> &data, int64 offset)
00744 {
00745 assert_image_hdu("fitshandle::write_subimage()");
00746 fits_write_img (fptr, FITSUTIL<T>::DTYPE, 1+offset,
00747 data.size(), const_cast<T *>(&data[0]), &status);
00748 check_errors();
00749 }
00751 template void fitshandle::write_subimage (const arr<float> &data, int64 offset);
00752 template void fitshandle::write_subimage
00753 (const arr<double> &data, int64 offset);
00754 template void fitshandle::write_subimage (const arr<int> &data, int64 offset);
00756 template<typename T> void fitshandle::read_image (arr2<T> &data) const
00757 {
00758 assert_image_hdu("fitshandle::read_image()");
00759 planck_assert (axes_.size()==2, "wrong number of dimensions");
00760 data.alloc(axes_[0], axes_[1]);
00761 fits_read_img (fptr, FITSUTIL<T>::DTYPE, 1, axes_[0]*axes_[1], 0,
00762 &data[0][0], 0, &status);
00763 check_errors();
00764 }
00766 template void fitshandle::read_image (arr2<float> &data) const;
00767 template void fitshandle::read_image (arr2<double> &data) const;
00768 template void fitshandle::read_image (arr2<int> &data) const;
00770 template<typename T> void fitshandle::read_image (arr3<T> &data) const
00771 {
00772 assert_image_hdu("fitshandle::read_image()");
00773 planck_assert (axes_.size()==3, "wrong number of dimensions");
00774 data.alloc(axes_[0], axes_[1], axes_[2]);
00775 fits_read_img (fptr, FITSUTIL<T>::DTYPE, 1, axes_[0]*axes_[1]*axes_[2],
00776 0, &data(0,0,0), 0, &status);
00777 check_errors();
00778 }
00780 template void fitshandle::read_image (arr3<float> &data) const;
00781 template void fitshandle::read_image (arr3<double> &data) const;
00782 template void fitshandle::read_image (arr3<int> &data) const;
00784 template<typename T> void fitshandle::read_subimage
00785 (arr2<T> &data, int xl, int yl) const
00786 {
00787 assert_image_hdu("fitshandle::read_subimage()");
00788 planck_assert (axes_.size()==2, "wrong number of dimensions");
00789 for (int m=0; m<data.size1(); ++m)
00790 fits_read_img (fptr, FITSUTIL<T>::DTYPE, (xl+m)*axes_[1]+yl+1,
00791 data.size2(), 0, &data[m][0], 0, &status);
00792 check_errors();
00793 }
00795 template void fitshandle::read_subimage
00796 (arr2<float> &data, int xl, int yl) const;
00797 template void fitshandle::read_subimage
00798 (arr2<double> &data, int xl, int yl) const;
00799 template void fitshandle::read_subimage
00800 (arr2<int> &data, int xl, int yl) const;
00802 template<typename T> void fitshandle::read_subimage
00803 (arr<T> &data, int64 offset) const
00804 {
00805 assert_image_hdu("fitshandle::read_subimage()");
00806 fits_read_img (fptr, FITSUTIL<T>::DTYPE, 1+offset,
00807 data.size(), 0, &data[0], 0, &status);
00808 check_errors();
00809 }
00811 template void fitshandle::read_subimage (arr<float> &data, int64 offset) const;
00812 template void fitshandle::read_subimage (arr<double> &data, int64 offset) const;
00813 template void fitshandle::read_subimage (arr<int> &data, int64 offset) const;
00815 void fitshandle::add_healpix_keys (int datasize)
00816 {
00817 int nside = isqrt(datasize/12);
00818 planck_assert (12*nside*nside==datasize, "Wrong Healpix map size");
00820 update_key ("PIXTYPE",string("HEALPIX"),"HEALPIX pixelisation");
00821 update_key ("ORDERING",string("RING"),
00822 "Pixel ordering scheme, either RING or NESTED");
00823 update_key ("NSIDE",nside,"Resolution parameter for HEALPIX");
00824 update_key ("FIRSTPIX",0,"First pixel # (0 based)");
00825 update_key ("LASTPIX",datasize-1,"Last pixel # (0 based)");
00826 update_key ("INDXSCHM",string("IMPLICIT"),
00827 "Indexing : IMPLICIT or EXPLICIT");
00828 update_key ("GRAIN",0,"Grain of pixel indexing");
00829 }
00831 namespace {
00833 class cfitsio_checker
00834 {
00835 public:
00836 cfitsio_checker()
00837 {
00838 float fitsversion;
00839 planck_assert(fits_get_version(&fitsversion),
00840 "error calling fits_get_version()");
00841 int v_header = nearest<int>(1000.*CFITSIO_VERSION),
00842 v_library = nearest<int>(1000.*fitsversion);
00843 if (v_header!=v_library)
00844 cerr << endl << "WARNING: version mismatch between CFITSIO header (v"
00845 << dataToString(v_header*0.001) << ") and linked library (v"
00846 << dataToString(v_library*0.001) << ")." << endl << endl;
00847 }
00848 };
00850 static cfitsio_checker Cfitsio_Checker;
00852 }