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This routine writes a full sky HEALPix map into a FITS file

Location in HEALPix directory tree: src/C/subs/write_healpix_map.c


int write_healpix_map( float *signal, long nside, char *filename, char nest, char *coordsys)


name&dimensionality kind in/out description
write_healpix_map int OUT returns a non zero value in case of error
signal float IN full sky map to be written
nside long IN HEALPix resolution parameter of the map (the map should have 12 * nside * nside pixels).
filename char IN FITS file in which to write the full sky map
nest char IN flag specifing the HEALPix pixel ordering of the map. 0: 'RING' and 1: 'NESTED'
coordsys char IN astronomical coordinate system of map (must be either 'C', 'E' or 'G' standing respectively for Celestial=equatorial, Ecliptic or Galactic)


This section lists the routines related to write_healpix_map

executable that reads a HEALPix map and analyses it.
executable that generate full sky HEALPix maps
subroutine to read HEALPix maps
subroutine to determine the size of a map

Eric Hivon 2010-06-18
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