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This module is a meta module containing most of the HEALPix modules. It currently includes
* alm_tools,
* bit_manipulation,
* coord_v_convert,
* extension,
* fitstools,
* head_fits,
* healpix_fft,
* healpix_types,
* misc_utils,
* num_rec,
* obsolete,
* paramfile_io,
* pix_tools,
* ran_tools,
* rngmod,
* statistics,
* udgrade_nr,
* utilities.

Note that mpi_alm_tools is not included since it requires the MPI library for compilation.

Location in HEALPix directory tree: src/f90/mod/healpix_modules.f90


use healpix_modules
print*,' pi = ',PI
print*,' number of pixels in a Nside=64 map:',nside2npix(64)

Invoking healpix_modules gives access to all HEALPix routines and parameters.

Eric Hivon 2010-06-18
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